Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Construction Detail of a Portal Frame

This section is a construction detail through a steel portal frame. This is a basic illustration which shows three basic structural elements in a portal frame. The first is a stanchon, it is usually a UB, specified by the engineer. The stanchon is placed on a concrete pad foundation, and is connected by hold down bolts. The upper part of the stanchon has a bolted connection to the UB Beam also specified by the engineer and the haunching. Haunching is usually about 15 – 20% of the span, it is an additional member to reinforce the column and beam joint, for this is where maximum stress occurs.

This is my second site visit, this building holds the carosol on the waterfront in Geelong. I is quite an interesting building, the curved form is unique and very interesing in how they have used curved steel members to create the roof line. I love the way the curved roof members meet the columns and that the columns are actually inside the bulding.

1 comment:

SRT251_rob kuebler's blog said...

Elisse, Your drawing skills are good: neat & clear BUT, please don't use handwriting for the drawing notes- lettering communicates better-drawings such as these can become legal documents if they relate to contract variations misinterpretation must be avoided at all costs. R.K.