Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This image is of the top floor and shows the end wll looking back toward the city entre, you can clearly see the columns and the pulins with the safety mesh and the foil insulation which you can previously see in Sections drawn below.
The image above illistrates the extended area, whic has a column, which has temporary supports.
I really like this image it illistrates the steel beams and columns looking up and the multi levels. It is intersting to note the different levels, This building is an old woolstore, which is being redeveloped by the Unversity, each level heigth use to be just under 4 meters, now they have lowered each level to approx 3m. Also to note is the steel has been coated in a fire proof paint to enable the building to pass Australian Standards. This image is of a floor section where you can see the timber flooring and the floor joist and the supporting beams. Also you can not on the columns the original floor height(where the column joints are.)

The two images above illistrate different bracinf techniqueswhich have been used, both on external wall, however the top image is on a brick wall which uses two angled steel braces which are ralitivly short, where as the image above uses cold form rounded steel which is angled accrossthe roof to another column.

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